The Freedom Club


What is the Freedom Club?

Opa was kept in wraps for several months after rescue, his feet needed to adjust to a new way of moving. He was so weak.

The Freedom Club is a group of passionate, caring and dedicated monthly donors who want to be part of the change and improvement in the life of horses. Everyday people, from all walks of life who give what they can to show how together we can make a difference. 

Be a game changer! Your monthly or quarterly gift enables Safe Haven Equine Warriors (SHEW) to continue helping horses that are in desperate need of basic care, horses that go for days, sometimes weeks without sufficient food and water. It also helps us expand our equine education to all ages in the hope that we end equine suffering by passing down the decades of knowledge we have in rehabbing, retraining and rehoming horses.

At SHEW the need for equine care is constant and costly. The Freedom Club was inspired by so many horses but more recently by Opa, a 20+ year old gelding who had rarely seen daylight, he was forced to live in a shed for most of his life, never seeing or meeting another horse.

In June 2021 Opa was set FREE at SHEW. He now lives with his best friend Cookie and loves life. He will live out his life at SHEW as due to the extreme neglect he faced he will always need special health care and attention. He stood on rotted manure and straw for so many years his feet will need constant specialized care.

This club allows us to help more horses live healthy, happy lives not living in fear.

Monthly or Quarterly Donations…

There is no such thing as a small donation. Every cent of our donations goes to the care of our rescue horses. You can select both the amount you donate and the frequency, monthly or quarterly.

Be the first to know…

As a member of The Freedom Club, you will receive monthly/quarterly updates on all aspects of SHEW life and early bird information on new products and events. We will also hold special Freedom Club events for our passionate supporters throughout the year starting in 2023.

If you currently donate to SHEW monthly you will automatically be enrolled in The Freedom Club.

Sign up Today!!

Be Part of the Change you want to see in the Equine World. #Thefreedomclub

OPA 2021- Check out his hooves!  So overgrown he couldn't walk. His feet were rotting from living on dirty piled up manure and old straw. 

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intentions”

— Oscar Wilde

Opa 2022: Thriving at Safe Haven Equine Warriors. 

“Giving a little helps more than not giving at all.”